Monday, January 25, 2010

Tears of the Young for the Past

Creative expression of trauma is a powerful means by which to share emotional responses of loss with others.

Artist, Kseniya Simonova, 24, is featured in this video as she expresses historic loss through a series of pictures on an illuminated sand table. This mesmeric artist is creating a visual image of the German invasion during World War II.

It's known as the Great Patriotic War in the Ukraine. Tragically, one in four of the population were killed, totalling eight to 11 million deaths out of a population of 42 million.

Can you imagine the collective horror of families?

1 comment:

The Traveler said...

Wow, that was so powerful. Thank you for finding and sharing this.


The soul still sings in the darkness telling of the beauty she found there; and daring us not to think that because she passed through such tortures of anguish, doubt, dread, and horror, as has been said, she ran any the more danger of being lost in the night. Nay, in the darkness did she, rather, find herself.

--St. John, Dark Night of the Soul

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